Wednesday 26 December 2012


Right, I must apologise on behalf of my creator, Anonymius, who promised you all a new fic yesterday, and like the people behind screwattack or MasakoX and Vegeta3986 over Naruto the Abridged Movie, failed to deliver.  He was on the verge of posting the new fic after fixing the draft, but apparently thought that spending Christmas with his family was far more important than posting something on the internet for people who may or may not read it.  Of course we could have had time to finish it after relatives left, but I was way too busy writing my reaction to the finale of 'Merlin' after watching it.  It should now come out today, though, along with a new chapter for 'Heroes Abridged (With Commentary)', meanwhile I will be posting my review for the last episode of 'Merlin'.

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!  I'm just here celebrating Christmas with the minions with tofu turkey and egg free cake!

Professor:  Why?  Why is it always the tofu turkey, why can't you ever let us eat turkey turkey?

Look, you know I don't eat anything that comes from a bird.  Now, as promised, today we will be posting a brand new story on  Anyone remember 'Legend of the Seeker'?  Well now coming to you is 'Legend of the Seeker Abridged (With Commentary)'.

Professor:  Wait.  Seriously?  We are starting ANOTHER Abridged Commentary?  And 'Legend of the Seeker of all things?'

Well, what's wrong with 'Legend of the Seeker'? Or right in this case?

Professor:  Sir, didn't 'Legend of the Seeker' finish years ago?

Yes, but the beauty of parody is that it doesn't matter how long ago the film or episode was, just as long as it's still well known and popular!  In fact, I think some parodies mature better with age!

Professor:  Yes well it is the well known and popular part that concerns me.  Also doesn't Anonymius have alot of unfinished stories and parodies already?

Look, we were on a tight schedule and needed something that was basically done.  Besides we may see other chapters for already existing fics later.

Monday 24 December 2012


Welcome, lowly mortals!  Welcome, to my humble little blog.  Which will soon be one big effin blog, aha! 
But I'm getting ahead of myself here.  I am the Commentator, the star of a number of parodies on Fanfiction.Net by my creator Anonymius known as Abridged Commentaries!

Professor:  What do you mean by star?  You're barely in a couple of the chapters!

Hey, I'm a running character, aren't I?  I'm like the Crypt Keeper!  And how did you get out of that pit?

Professor:  I am a professor, remember?  I have my ways.

Uhuh.  By the way this is my assistant, the Professor.  Seriously just type in "Abridged with commentary" and sees what comes up!

Professor: (typing something into a computer) Okay, I have done that, but only the first chapter of 'Heroes Abridged (With Commentary)' has come up.

-Wait, what?  Are you sure?

Professor:  See for yourself.

Huh.  I was so sure that more were supposed to show up.  In any case, search for 'Anonymius' and go from there!

Professor:  Now it's come up with anonymous group.


Professor:  No wait, my mistake.  You just need to click for 'Anonymius' instead.

Okay, that's fine.  Anyhoo, the purpose for this blog existing (aside from now being free to rant without waiting for Anonymius to publish a new chapter or fic) is that we're celebrating Christmas by publishing something new every day starting tomorrow for twelve days!  All further updates will now come here, so check out Anonymius' account, especially in the next couple of weeks, review, and let him know if you want an update soon!  Of course, it'll likely need to have more hits montly than our Doctor Who Abridged, which is now up to 140 this month.  Sigh.